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Ideas on how to decorate a children's room!!
01 Nov

Ideas on how to decorate a children's room!!

Posted By: Athina Times Read: 1182 Comments: 1

Decorating your kid’s room always presents a unique challenge, whether you’re dealing with a feisty seven year old football fan or a pre-teen princess obsessed with everything glam. The trick is to bring in a fresh, youthful energy to the decor without ignoring the essential practical aspects. These kids room decorating tips will help you create a beautiful and functional haven that your child will love to spend time in.

Cushions in different colors and designs always add warmth to the space.

  1. https://www.tinytoes.gr/product-category/decor/pillows/
  2. https://mikromou.gr/product-category/diakosmisi/maxilaria-2

The mats offer a warmth many designs and colors

  1. https://www.tinytoes.gr/product-category/decor/carpets/
  2. https://manena.gr/collections/%CF%80%CE%B1%CE%B9%CE%B4%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%B1-%CF%87%CE%B1%CE%BB%CE%B9%CE%B1

Stickers on the walls often seem like a very common idea, but I will show you some stickers that will change the room easily and economically. Print small big dots, stars, clouds and stick them on a wall in the room. You can order them in any large bookstore to make them in the size you want and in the color you want. If not, we also found stickers that you can order from

  1. https://mikromou.gr/product-category/diakosmisi/aftokollita-toichou/
  2. https://www.sticky.gr/el/products/wall-sticker-love-is-a-rainbow-watercolor?gclid=CjwKCAjwh4ObBhAzEiwAHzZYU5KF7Xvfsmj0FqFHp5_iW1ln2t9PfOKU2Dnd5mvwPLg1mUwPj1vSJBoChnsQAvD_BwE

I think that a blackboard for children is perhaps a very creative game as they probably have the entire walls on which they can write and draw, growing up to write their spelling and solve their math exercises.

  1.   https://offersmania.gr/product/blackboard/?gclid=CjwKCAjwh4ObBhAzEiwAHzZYU9jnR9QpN86MD5qSoaZBwfgCd-I5fbPNPOtko8bFBvWHxJmbx9hmehoCw88QAvD_BwE


A little boy or girl will not go crazy if there is a children's scene in his room to play.

  1.  https://mikromou.gr/product-category/diakosmisi/skines/
  2. https://manena.gr/collections/paidikes-skines

Another idea is when she gets tired of the mosquito net in her bed, turn it into a dream scene with nice pillows and a rug

When there is a mood, we certainly find the ways and for our children we certainly have both!!!!

I kiss you until next time, I await your comments and your suggestions for future topics that might interest you...


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